General Assembly


Of Interest Around The Web

GA Seminar: 13 Reasons Why the Church Needs to Talk about Suicide

The seminar will highlight the cultural context that makes a show like “13 Reasons Why” so popular, while providing guidance and resources to equip pastors who want to better understand the issue and minister to congregants who might be contemplating ending their lives. 

Loving Neighbors, Changing Culture

GA Seminar Examines Theology of Social Reform

Throughout most of Christian history a concern for the vulnerable led to founding orphanages, building hospitals, rescuing abandoned children, and teaching that one’s work is an act of worship to God.

GA Seminar on Domestic Abuse Aims to Prepare Churches for Traumatic Ministry

A trained counselor, Joan Stratton McConnell knows abuse lurks in the church. She has worked with Westminster’s pastoral and ministry staff in abuse situations and helped the session understand and embrace a recognize-respond-rescue approach to abuse.  

GA Creates an Opportunity to Love Neighbors

Here's How to Help

“Some of us began to wonder if we could go beyond just talking about love of neighbor and actually create opportunities to be loving neighbors to people here in Atlanta during GA.” Two service projects and a giving opportunity are the result. 

Overture 25: Evaluating the Un-ordained Diaconate

The overture proposes that presbyteries require all congregations within their bounds without an active ordained diaconate to report their reasons for this and whether or not they have created an un-ordained body of servants

Overtures 11 and 15: Describe Elders as Dignified, Not Grave

“This revised definition reminds us elders to be outward-facing, to be concerned for those beyond the walls, to be approachable, and to be always mindful that there are people on the fringes of our churches who need to be invited in.”

Overture 8 Seeks to Clarify Process to Restore a Minister

While it is assumed that the leadership and members of this congregation will play a role in observing the elder and providing feedback to the presbytery (“court”) that will make the decision to remove the censure or not, drafters of the overture believe congregation’s role is not clearly laid out in the current language.

Racial Reconciliation Study Committee Completes Report

Members of the committee will present their findings, conclusions, and recommendations at General Assembly. Their presentation will be Thursday morning, June 14, at 8 a.m. 

Overture 13: Allow Non-Ordained Men and Women to Serve on Agency Boards

If implemented, the recommendation maintains that a super-majority — in most cases, either two-thirds or three-fourths — of the board members of these agencies be ordained officers in the PCA.

Overture 9: Specify Limits for “Assistants to the Diaconate”

In response to last year’s study committee on Women Serving in the Ministry, Grace Presbytery has submitted an overture to the General Assembly requesting that clarity be given to the language in the Book of Church Order that addresses the diaconate.

Of Interest Around The Web

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