Gleaning from the Ministry of Harry Reeder

“A Pastor’s Heart,” in memory of Harry L. Reeder III, serves as a resource for the next generation of church leadership.

The Latest

Briarwood Presbyterian Begins Search for Next Pastor

On Sunday, August 25, the congregation of Briarwood Presbyterian Church formed a pulpit committee to search for the third senior pastor in its history.

Should the Protest Continue?

In his book “What It Means To Be Protestant,” Gavin Ortlund presents the case for an always-reforming church.

New Indelible Grace Album Celebrates 50 Years of RUF

It’s been 24 years since Indelible Grace released its first album. Its 10th album — recorded live at the 50th #PCAGA — drops on August 23.


The Complexity of Immigration 
and the Undeserved Grace of the Gospel

As a scared, vulnerable stranger who has endured a horrific journey with hope for a new life in a new country, how would I want to be treated?

Slow to Anger

The indiscriminate performance of wrath obscures its purpose and robs it of its power.

The experience of anger is not inherently sinful, but we should seek to limit its shelf life. The longer anger lasts, the more dangerous it becomes.

James Boice

James Montgomery Boice: His Legacy Remains Vital to this Day

When he died in 2000, James Boice was known primarily for his nationwide radio preaching ministry, The Bible Study Hour, along with his scores of valuable books.

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