Learning from the Latin American Church
Steve Robertson reminds us, there is much to be learned from the Latin American church. “When we look to the Latin church, we find real-life examples of some of the tools available to us. Among those are robust community, intentional evangelism, and comfort from the Scriptures.”
By Steve Robertson
The Latest
Learning From The Middle Eastern Church
By Neal W.
3 Benefits of Engaging the Global Church
By Lloyd Kim
The Necessity of Regeneration
“Whether you are a skeptic, a seeker, or a long-time believer, this book has something valuable to offer.” Jonathan Master’s new book, “You Must Be Born Again,” calls the church back to a central doctrine.
By David Cassidy
Covenant College Encourages Sabbath Observance For Students
Covenant has policies designed to observe the Sabbath and encourage students to do the same. “God has given us the Sabbath as a gift. It’s not meant to be a burdensome rule to follow.”
By Heather Roth
How 9/11 Led One Couple To Church
Christina Stanton didn’t want to ask Redeemer Church for help, but the kindness of church leaders broke her pride and helped her begin to rebuild her shattered life.
By Christina Stanton
“Love Could Not Be Found in Allah”
Hamid has dedicated himself “to make the Scriptures accessible to Farsi speakers. with this mission: to preach the gospel and teach the truths upon which our Reformed faith stands strong.”
By Steven Vanderhill
Quiet Time and Evangelism: How much is enough?
Yes, we should cultivate the habit of prayer and Bible reading, but we should not think that God puts impossible standards upon us as frail, finite creatures.
By Kevin DeYoung
Artificial Intelligence: Towards a Christian Perspective
Understanding AI as representation, modeling, and transformation now equips us to make some principled attempts to consider AI from a Christian perspective.