General Assembly


Of Interest Around The Web

Stated Clerk’s Summary and Reflections of the Fifty-First General Assembly

PCA 51st General Assembly

We should not pretend that we can explain or deserve such blessings, but we can affirm that our forefathers did something special when they declared us to be Scriptural and Confessional and, at the same time, to have the Great Commission as our “top priority.”

A Summary of the Actions of the 51st General Assembly

The Assembly was convened on Tuesday evening with 2,160 commissioners, making this the third-largest Assembly in PCA history.

Actions of the General Assembly on Wednesday, June 12

General Assembly

The Assembly reconvened at 9:30 a.m., and took up the report from the Committee for Review of Presbytery Records and agency reports.

General Assembly Updates for Tuesday, June 11

General Assembly

A summary of the actions of the General Assembly for Tuesday, June 11.

A Roundup of the Final Overtures Heading to the 51st General Assembly

overtures general assembly

We’ve reviewed the first 19 overtures sent to the 51st General Assembly. Since that time, 16 additional overtures have been sent to the GA.

PCA General Assembly Will Feature Korean-Style Worship Service

Korean-style prayer

The planning committee hopes a bi-lingual service will invite people who have never experienced a Korean worship service to collectively participate in, learn from, and be encouraged by it. 

Update on Overtures to the 51st General Assembly

Overtures to 51st General Assembly

We’ve already reviewed the first eight overtures sent to the 51st General Assembly. Since that time, 11 more have been sent to the Assembly.

General Assembly Commission Petitions Government Officials to Protect Children

Letter urges national leaders to protect children from the damages of gender reassignment procedures.
humble petition

Stated Clerk Bryan Chapell’s office will send the petition to the federal officials designated in the overture. 

A Message From the Stated Clerk Regarding GA Hotel Accommodations

General Assembly

In addition to the hotels nearest the Convention Center, we hold significant blocks at two larger hotels, the Omni and the Delta Marriott. We also have family-friendly options at the Hampton Inn, Homewood Suites, Holiday Inn, and the historic Linden Row.

Update on Overtures to the 51st General Assembly


To date, eight new overtures have been sent to the 51st General Assembly.

Of Interest Around The Web

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