Racial Reconciliation

Missouri Presbytery Submits Overture 4 on Racial Reconciliation

The overture demonstrates that the PCA takes seriously its past and current sins, and it is always healthy for the denomination to confess. By confessing specific sins of racism, the PCA creates a more welcoming environment for all minorities.

A Denomination Hungry for Reconciliation

Opinion: Grace, Race, and the PCA

The story of racial injustice in our country’s past continues to shape our present. I think our elders feel and know this to be the case as well for our denomination.

Moving Toward Racial Diversity

A Complex Challenge

Within a few years there will be no ethnic majority in North America. Already some metropolitan areas are “majority minority.” How can we regard that as a Gospel opportunity?

The Good News and Reconciliation

Interview with Mark Belz

In “A Journey to Wholeness,” Mark Belz, a retired lawyer and former moderator of the PCA General Assembly, takes a close look at the story of Naaman’s healing in 2 Kings 5.

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