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Of Interest Around The Web

Supporting the Front Line: A Conversation with a Trauma Hospital Chaplain

“I can’t quantify it or even fully articulate it, but for those who have seen far more death than most, I’m grateful for the brief notice this unique ministry will receive and the understanding that these chaplains have.”

J. I. Packer, ‘Knowing God’ Author, Dies at 93

The influential evangelical theologian leaves a final lesson for the church: Glorify Christ every way.

I was One of the First Cases in Georgia

Feeling out of control feels dangerous. As Christians, it forces us to decide whether we believe God is sovereign over the affairs of humanity, and if He is good no matter our suffering.

A Christian Hope in the Coronavirus Crisis

This is an opportunity for creative and innovative means of sharing the gospel in both word and deed.

Waiting for the Results of this Test

We can flee for refuge to the One who is our Mighty Fortress. Like Isaiah wrote, there is a time for us to “enter our chambers, shut our doors,” and wait until “the fury passes by.” Why should we think that God would ask less of this generation than He has of our mothers and fathers?

Our Faith is Being Tested, and is on Display

The world is watching. They want to see if Jesus really makes a difference in how a person suffers what is unbearable and loses what is valuable.

The Weasel at Your Neck

Every human being, certainly every Christian woman and man, lives with a weasel at their neck.

This Feels Familiar

Chronic sufferers can help equip the church

I feel strangely prepared for this pandemic. It’s all miserable, of course, but it’s not entirely new.

In a Pandemic, Should Churches Obey State Orders to Close?

Are there circumstances under which the government may order churches to close? What does the Bible tell us about whether a church should obey such an order?

CDM Accepting Applicants for 2021 Children’s Ministries Certification

Seeing children come to Jesus is the reason this course matters so much.

Of Interest Around The Web

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