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Of Interest Around The Web

Virtual Communion: Informed Advice and Opinion

Communion makes us better Christians, not only by what we do, but also by what God does.

Art and the Image of God

Art is not only a valid and dignified calling; it is one that helps us understand what it means to bear God’s image.

Firstfruits Farm SLO Delivers the Best of the Harvest to Those in Need

Firstfruits Farm SLO does more than nourish bodies. It is bringing together hundreds of volunteers to join in a movement bigger than themselves.

Letting Leviticus 
Seep into Your Soul

Christians can 
be changed
 by the rich lessons
 this book teaches.

Grace and Identity

Instead of looking to the Creator above for our identity, we’ve turned to our desires within.

The porous self could find its meaning and identity in relationship to God above. The buffered self, denying either the existence of or accessibility to God, cannot discover its meaning beyond itself.

Facing Fear

God is mighty - so why are we still afraid?

There’s a sense that upheavals are underway, major shifts are happening, but on the surface life continues as normal. Is it valid to be anxious in this cultural moment? How does God speak to us when we are afraid? And where do we go from here?

A Prayer for the Church in the Early Days of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Indwelling Spirit, empower your people to serve: 
to get wisdom, and live by it, and share it freely;
to embody peace amid the strife of tongues.

Administrative Committee Update on COVID-19

As new information is gathered and guidelines are updated, we want to keep you informed of our work and provide you with resources and encouragement.

Riding Out the Storm Together

For the next few weeks, as we watch and wait for the peak of the outbreak to pass, our churches should be quick to respond to benevolence requests from our members and those in our neighborhoods. We have been blessed with resources for such a time as this.

New Conditions Inspire Alternative Seminary Models


Given the grassroots nature of these innovations, there are likely other new seminary models within the PCA.

Of Interest Around The Web

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