Overtures Committee Update for June 21
By byFaith Staff

The Overtures Committee met again on Tuesday morning to continue deliberations. The committee voted to recommend that the Assembly answer the following overtures in the affirmative:

Overture 21, Amend BCO 43-2 and 43-3 Regarding Timing for Considering a Complaint, as amended. The vote was 108-25. The amended language is here. 

Overture 8, Amend BCO 33-1 and BCO 34-1 Establishing Percentage Threshold for Original Jurisdiction Requests, as amended. The vote was 104-32. Read the amended language here. There will be a minority report.

Overture 2021-19, Amend BCO 38-1 & 42-2 to Allow Appealing a Censure in a Case without Process. The vote was 87-25.

Overture 2021-35, Amend BCO 38-1 re Counsel for Case Without Process, as amended. The vote was 109-1. Read the amended language here.

Overture 25, Amend BCO 15-1 and 15-3 to Clarify Role of Presbytery Commission, as amended. The vote was 126-2. Read the amended language here.

Overture 27, Amend BCO 15-1 and 15-3 To Clarify Role of Presbytery Commission, by reference to its actions on Overture 25. The vote was 121-0.

Overture 2021-20, Amend BCO 31-10 and 33-4 on Pre-trial Non-Disciplinary Suspensions, as amended. The vote was 117-10. Read the amended language here. 

Overture 6, Amend BCO 31-10 and 33-4 Regarding Suspensions during Process or Delay, with reference to its actions on Overture 2021-20. The vote was 121-1.

Overture 2021-21, Amend BCO 42-6 on Vote Required for Maintaining Censure during an Appeal, in the affirmative. The vote was 115-12.

 Overture 7, Amend BCO 42-6 Regarding Suspending Judgment during Appeal, with reference to its actions on 2021-21.104-2.

Overture 13, Petition United States Government to End Abortion, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 111-6. Read the amended language here. 

The Committee votes to recommend that the Assembly answer the following overtures in the negative:

Overture 26, Statement On Political Violence. The vote was 80-51. The committee will prepare grounds for its decision.

Overture 42, Forbid TE and RE Participation in “Political Groups.” The vote was 72-65. The committee will formulate grounds for its decision. There will be a minority report.

Overture 17, Amend BCO 32-3 to Require Open Proceedings for Trials. The vote was 108-10.

Other actions of the committee:

Overtures Committee has voted to recommend answering Overture 41, Declare Critical Race Theory Flawed, by postponing the matter indefinitely. The vote was 99- 31.

Overtures Committee has voted to recommend that the Assembly refer Overture 2021-34, Amend BCO 38-1 re Confession Timing for Case Without Process, back to Pacific Northwest Presbytery without prejudice. The vote was 110-11.

The committee has voted to recommend that the Assembly answer Overture 28, Amend BCO 8-7 by Adding Chaplain Endorsement Requirements and Recommendations, by referring the overture as amended back to the Committee on Constitutional Business. The vote was 85-41.

Overtures Committee will reconvene on June 22 at 2:00 p.m., to reconsider Overtures 2021-40 and 2021-41.


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