The Overtures Committee met again on Tuesday morning to continue deliberations. The committee voted to recommend that the Assembly answer the following overtures in the affirmative:
Overture 21, Amend BCO 43-2 and 43-3 Regarding Timing for Considering a Complaint, as amended. The vote was 108-25. The amended language is here.
Overture 8, Amend BCO 33-1 and BCO 34-1 Establishing Percentage Threshold for Original Jurisdiction Requests, as amended. The vote was 104-32. Read the amended language here. There will be a minority report.
Overture 2021-19, Amend BCO 38-1 & 42-2 to Allow Appealing a Censure in a Case without Process. The vote was 87-25.
Overture 2021-35, Amend BCO 38-1 re Counsel for Case Without Process, as amended. The vote was 109-1. Read the amended language here.
Overture 25, Amend BCO 15-1 and 15-3 to Clarify Role of Presbytery Commission, as amended. The vote was 126-2. Read the amended language here.
Overture 27, Amend BCO 15-1 and 15-3 To Clarify Role of Presbytery Commission, by reference to its actions on Overture 25. The vote was 121-0.
Overture 2021-20, Amend BCO 31-10 and 33-4 on Pre-trial Non-Disciplinary Suspensions, as amended. The vote was 117-10. Read the amended language here.
Overture 6, Amend BCO 31-10 and 33-4 Regarding Suspensions during Process or Delay, with reference to its actions on Overture 2021-20. The vote was 121-1.
Overture 2021-21, Amend BCO 42-6 on Vote Required for Maintaining Censure during an Appeal, in the affirmative. The vote was 115-12.
Overture 7, Amend BCO 42-6 Regarding Suspending Judgment during Appeal, with reference to its actions on 2021-21.104-2.
Overture 13, Petition United States Government to End Abortion, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 111-6. Read the amended language here.
The Committee votes to recommend that the Assembly answer the following overtures in the negative:
Overture 26, Statement On Political Violence. The vote was 80-51. The committee will prepare grounds for its decision.
Overture 42, Forbid TE and RE Participation in “Political Groups.” The vote was 72-65. The committee will formulate grounds for its decision. There will be a minority report.
Overture 17, Amend BCO 32-3 to Require Open Proceedings for Trials. The vote was 108-10.
Other actions of the committee:
Overtures Committee has voted to recommend answering Overture 41, Declare Critical Race Theory Flawed, by postponing the matter indefinitely. The vote was 99- 31.
Overtures Committee has voted to recommend that the Assembly refer Overture 2021-34, Amend BCO 38-1 re Confession Timing for Case Without Process, back to Pacific Northwest Presbytery without prejudice. The vote was 110-11.
The committee has voted to recommend that the Assembly answer Overture 28, Amend BCO 8-7 by Adding Chaplain Endorsement Requirements and Recommendations, by referring the overture as amended back to the Committee on Constitutional Business. The vote was 85-41.
Overtures Committee will reconvene on June 22 at 2:00 p.m., to reconsider Overtures 2021-40 and 2021-41.