General Assembly


Of Interest Around The Web

Lucas and Duncan Discuss Journeys Toward Racial Reconciliation

In a Thursday-morning seminar called, “The PCA, Race, Remembrance, Repentance, Reconciliation, and Rejoicing: A Personal Journey,” Sean Lucas and Ligon Duncan shared their stories of coming to understand the PCA’s racially-tinged past and what they did about it.

GA Approves New PCA Logo

The logo was developed by Beaver Design Group, which initially developed nine options. According to Steve Beaver, the logos were evaluated using national surveys as well as four focus groups held around the country.

OC Makes Recommendations on Six Overtures

In addition to the recommendation on Overture 45, the Overtures Committee made recommendations on the six more overtures today.

OC Makes Recommendation on Overture 45

The Overtures Committee voted to affirm an amended version of Overture 45. The overture will now go to the General Assembly for final approval.

Overtures Committee Makes Recommendation on Race-Related Overtures

The Overtures Committee has voted to answer an amended version of Overture 43 in the affirmative. The Committee also voted to answer all other race-related overtures with reference to Overture 43.

OC Votes on Eight Other Overtures

In addition to its vote to answer Overture 43 in the affirmative, the Overtures Committee made recommendations on eight other motions on Monday evening. The recommendations will now go to the General Assembly for a final vote.

AC Recommends Study Committee on Women in Ministry

In 2014 the Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC) identified five key issues facing the PCA and established subcommittees to study them and report to the full committee. One subcommittees was assigned to study the issue of women in ministry. In January, that subcommittee, brought an updated report.

Of Interest Around The Web

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