
Everyday Theology


Of Interest Around The Web

Coronavirus and Your Investments: 5 Things to Know

The current virus is an opportunity to pray for those impacted by it and for God to heal the nations, physically and spiritually. Market volatility is also a great opportunity to examine our own lives and increase our faith in things that cannot be shaken.

Worshipping God by Admiring His Creation

How do we live with growing appreciation and gratitude for Christ’s sustenance through the natural world? How do we experience God through intimate knowledge of His creation?

Departing in Peace: Making Wise End-of-Life Decisions

Ultimately serving Jesus is our top priority — not pursuing long life at any cost. All the gifts we have, including time, energy, talent, and finances, come from Him and we want to be mindful of serving Him in all these areas, even as we approach the end of our lives.

From Pitcher to Planter

Dan Naulty Plants a Church Among His Own

The ultimate professional high coincided with personal lows for a pitcher who fueled his career with performance-enhancing drugs, amphetamines, and alcohol.

Small Places, Big Callings

The Enormous Beauty 
and Need of Pastoring in Small-Town America

Instead of viewing these small towns as obligations or last resorts, they can be overlooked treasures — people and places with stories and wisdom to share.

Words That Honor God’s Word


Scripture teaches that Christians have a duty to protect and defend “the good name” of our Christian neighbor.


There Is a More Excellent Way to Demonstrate Restraint and Respect

What might it look like, then, if Christian rules for sexual restraint were grounded in deference? What if, in their professional and social interactions with women, Christian men were primarily oriented toward honoring the worth, interests, and goals of women?

Thanksgiving Friday

Could it be that God instructs us to be grateful, not just because it pleases Him, but because there’s something in it for us?

Fine-tuning Our Theology of Work

Doriani Focuses on a Subject that Affects us All

Dan Doriani, professor of biblical theology and vice president at large for Covenant Seminary, has written a number of books about Christian manhood and how to interpret and apply Scripture. He’s also written commentaries on Matthew, James, and 1 Peter. But his latest book is called “Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation.” And recently Doriani founded…


True beauty points beyond 
itself to something larger, 
truer, and more powerful.

Practically speaking, then, beauty has been divorced from truth; culturally, it no longer reveals a greater reality beyond one’s subjective, personal taste. And yet, we crave it.

Of Interest Around The Web

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