
Everyday Theology


Of Interest Around The Web

Academics and Faith

Our Interview with Dr. Jay Green

How the study of philosophy, history, art, and science cultivates our love of God.

This Too Shall Last

“We who are weak remind the entire church that salvation comes only through God and not through our self-sufficient striving.”

Feeling Bad about Yourself? Consider God’s Kindness

This sense that work is nearly impossible combines with the heightened perception of my sin to create a bitter and depressing potion. So what now?

Mental Health: The Crisis Self-Quarantine Will Never Cure

The weight of heartache can crush us or become a point of connection with a weary world in desperate need of hope — now more than ever. Not all who suffer will find healing in this life. That is the bruising reality of our fallen world.

Chords of Mercy in the Time of Coronavirus

There are three songs in particular (yes, three, I’m a pastor after all) that have been playing on repeat in my head and heart.

I was One of the First Cases in Georgia

Feeling out of control feels dangerous. As Christians, it forces us to decide whether we believe God is sovereign over the affairs of humanity, and if He is good no matter our suffering.

A Christian Hope in the Coronavirus Crisis

This is an opportunity for creative and innovative means of sharing the gospel in both word and deed.

Waiting for the Results of this Test

We can flee for refuge to the One who is our Mighty Fortress. Like Isaiah wrote, there is a time for us to “enter our chambers, shut our doors,” and wait until “the fury passes by.” Why should we think that God would ask less of this generation than He has of our mothers and fathers?

This Feels Familiar

Chronic sufferers can help equip the church

I feel strangely prepared for this pandemic. It’s all miserable, of course, but it’s not entirely new.

When This is Over, Let’s be Sure to Live Life Abundantly

If there’s anything this strange time has taught us, it’s that we need one another.

Of Interest Around The Web

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