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Of Interest Around The Web

Your Pastor Needs Pastor Friends


Before I became a pastor, I could not say I was estranged from a single soul. Almost 20 years in, the list is longer than I would have ever thought bearable. It includes some of my most intimate former friends and ministry partners: people whose names are etched on major milestones in my life, and…

Obergefell: Practical Implications

Next Steps for PCA Churches

In June, the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges legalized same-sex marriage nationally. Since then, many PCA sessions have been asking about how to respond to the new situation this decision has created.

The Planned Parenthood Video

The Price of Sexual Freedom

How can anyone defend Planned Parenthood after the sickening video that came to light this week? Eric Metaxas tells us how.

The [GA] Protest of 2015

An Historic Moment?

What happened in the last hour of General Assembly may have been the most significant moment of this year’s gathering. Some might argue it was one of the most significant moments in the denomination’s history.

The Bible and same sex relationships: A review article

Tim Keller critiques books by Matthew Vines and Ken Wilson which argue that the Bible either allows or supports same sex relationships.

Of Interest Around The Web

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