Daily Grace


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Devotion for February 11

God always will do what is best, when his children ask.

Devotion for February 10

My father’s example made clear that a biblical family head selflessly reflects the One who gave of himself so we would be blessed as His family!

Devotion for February 9

Repentant obedience is not our ticket to grace; it is our offering of thanksgiving for it.

Devotion for February 8

The Lord who spells out unchanging truth in his Word is also saying, “Here’s my heart for you.” In that heart of grace is pardon and new life through Jesus Christ.”

Devotion for February 5

We are children of our Heavenly Father, and because we are His children, His love will never leave or forsake us.

Devotion for February 4

We need to reconsider any approach to prayer that requires God to provide all our wants.

Devotion for February 3

God loved, and kept loving, sinful people to show us that his grace is not dependent on our performance.

Devotion for February 2

Resting on God’s grace does not relieve our obligation to honor him but powerfully stimulates our love to live for God’s glory and in our freedom.

Devotion for February 1

When you recognize God’s discipline, trust it to be an expression of fatherly care that would be absent without his grace.

Devotion for January 29

When we discover the grace that the God of all power and authority sacrificially extended to His loved ones, then we begin to discern our mission to reflect that same heart to our loved ones.

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