Search Results: Susan Fikse


A Killing Contagion on Campus

School Shootings Illustrate the Depth and Complexity of our Brokenness

The problem is not that there is an endless supply of deeply disturbed young men who are willing to contemplate horrific acts. It’s that young men no longer need to be deeply disturbed to contemplate horrific acts.

Diversity for the Sake of the Gospel

Redeemer Church Reflects Its Community

Marc Champagne is not content with the status quo. As a church planter in Cincinnati, he believes that the community of the church should reflect the community in which God has placed it.

Wealth, Poverty, and Human Flourishing

Thinking Biblically About Income Equality

Thank God that He didn’t tell us to “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps”! As a result, we can humbly look at the poor, knowing that their need of redemption is no greater than ours, though it may be more visible.

Sexual Violence

Why "Rape Culture" Is Even Debated

Because it’s disturbing to talk about, we sanitize the most personal, traumatic of experiences for public, political consumption. But the cultural foundations that lead to sexual violence extend layers beneath the political landscape.

The Death of the Funeral

By abandoning traditional rituals in favor of personalized memorial services, we may have lost an opportunity to fully see and share the Gospel.

Making A New Argument for Marriage

The dominoes are falling toward the legality of gay marriage, and the arguments of Christians seem to be crumbling beneath them.

Thinking Creatively About Women’s Roles

The PCA shifts from focusing on what women can’t do, to exploring what they can do.

The Centrality of Everyday Work

By perpetuating a secular/sacred divide that elevates the “spiritual” work of Sunday over the “secular” work of the rest of the week, the church has, on occasion, reinforced a view that God doesn’t care about our work. At the same time, a movement within the church is spotlighting the centrality of work and promoting a Gospel-centered view of work as integral to our Christian faith.


Reforming Hearts as well as Policy

Confronting our own fears may be the most difficult reform we face.

Reaching Out to the Mentally Ill

Our calling as followers of Christ is not to “fix” the mentally ill, but to follow Jesus into relationship with them.

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