PCA Voices

Lessons from Caring for a Disabled Child

Jamie MacGregor shares lessons from caring for a disabled child. “Hannah always reminds us of the hope of heaven, the full restoration of all that is broken, and the expectation that formerly disabled bodies will dance with joy before the Lord.”

Redeeming January 6

The instability and volatility of January 6 can stir anxiety and fear about the future. As Christians, we know death and destruction never get the final word.

A Virtual Nativity Scene

If you are spending this Christmas in a low place, take heart; Jesus was born there. 

How Soccer Prepared Me to Battle Cancer

“The many years of soccer training, developing endurance and learning perseverance, were never just a sidebar.” Read how the Lord used years of soccer to accomplish his work.

Thinking Biblically About Artificial Intelligence

Micah Gaudet answers the question, “How should Christians think about the development of AI?”

Parenting Fears Met with His Perfect Peace

Parents, find peace in the One who can drive out all fear and fill us with the peace we long for, Christ Jesus.

5 Insights on Raising Money for Missions

Here are 5 insights on raising support for missions work.

The Church As A Community of Gratitude

We the church should be marked by gratitude.

Three Reflections for Christians on Veterans Day

This Veterans Day, let us pray for God’s special blessing on all the men and women in the Armed Forces, through whose sacrificial labors protect us and preserve our liberties.

Infertility and Longing for Restoration

“What if our longings were never intended to be satisfied by anything here on earth, but instead to point us to something, Someone, far greater—to Christ?”

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