
Devotion for December 14

God’s light shines brightest in the darkness, and his grace will gleam through the dirt on us.


Christmas is Not for Cranks

How should we respond when the secular saints and corporate gatekeepers decide that this time of year has nothing to do with Christmas and that Christmas has nothing to do with Christ?

Because of Christmas, we can share in Christ’s glorious inheritance

Everything that existed on the night Christ’s human birth — all that was visible and invisible — had been created through him and for him (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16).

Christmas is the Myth That’s No Myth

Jesus Invaded Our World in Real Time

“Now the story of Christ is simply a true myth: a myth working on us the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference that it really happened.” – C.S. Lewis

Waiting for the Lord

A Message of Hope, the Promise of Peace

The message of Christmas is that God entered into our humanness. In some mysterious, miraculous way, the Creator became one of the created — one of us.

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