


Of Interest Around The Web

“We Want the PCA to Reflect the Diversity of the Church in Heaven”

Unity Fund moves the PCA closer to reaching all tribes and languages.

While the Unity Fund has future goals in view, efforts thus far have already produced encouraging results.

MNA New Year’s Address from Coordinator Irwyn Ince

MNA Coordinator Pro Tempore Irwyn Ince Hope

In the address, he highlighted the opportunities and actions MNA will take in the coming year to cultivate Christ’s kingdom’s advancement through the PCA in the US and Canada.

Celebrating the PCA’s 50th Anniversary

Our Conversation with Jim Wert
Jim Wert

“We hope to celebrate what God has done over the past 50 years, and also look ahead to where He’s leading us in our next 50.”

CDM Offers Evangelism Resources

CDM has collected from leaders around the PCA resources designed to help our churches, pastors, and people explain their faith.

Marvin Padgett: 1944 – 2022

Marvin Padgett

Padgett was a Nashville Presbytery moderator and served as a coordinator for RUF.

Missouri Presbytery Explains Actions Regarding Memorial Pres

Memorial PCA

MO Presbytery has released a letter explaining its actions in greater detail.

Memorial Presbyterian Church Votes to Leave PCA

Memorial PCA

Despite their withdrawal from the PCA, Memorial’s leadership insists that they love the denomination.

Minutes from NAPARC Annual Meeting

After its annual meeting NAPARC issued a press release with a summary of the meeting.

Memorial Presbyterian Church Session Schedules Vote on Leaving PCA


The Session is recommending that the congregation vote to withdraw from the PCA.

Chris Vogel Appointed MNA Church Planting and Vitality Coordinator

Mission to North America

For the past three years, Chris has served Mission to North America as the Ecosystem Development Director.

Of Interest Around The Web

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