John M. Templeton Jr., known as “Jack,” died Saturday of cancer at age 75. He was [an elder in the PCA and] chairman and president of the John Templeton Foundation, named after his father, who made billions of dollars as a stock-picker and mutual fund pioneer.
Jack Templeton was a fine student, graduating from Yale and Harvard Medical School and training under Dr. C. Everett Koop at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He became a distinguished surgeon and chief of pediatric surgery at the hospital but retired in 1995 so as to direct Templeton Foundation activities. The foundation, one of America’s 100 largest, has given away close to $1 billion.
Templeton was able to direct giving up to a point. As an elder in the [PCA], he subscribed to the Westminster Confession of Faith from 1646, but as foundation head he was faithful to the eclectic and quasi-pantheistic wishes of his father, who died in 2008 at age 95 and once wrote that “the rate of spiritual development is accelerating. … We may be setting the stage for a great leap forward in our spiritual understanding.”
Read full article at World Magazine.