With 66 of the PCA’s 80 presbyteries reporting their action on the proposed amendment to Book of Church Order 58-5 that would prohibit intinction (dipping bread into wine) as a method of observing the Lord’s Supper, the amendment cannot reach 54 favorable votes necessary for approval. 22 of the presbyteries reporting have voted in favor of the proposed change, while 43 have voted against it, and one has postponed action on it indefinitely.
Presbyteries which have voted in favor of the change: (22) Ascension, Blue Ridge, Calvary, Central Carolina, Central Georgia, Fellowship, Grace, Great Lakes, Illiana, Korean Capital, Korean Central, Korean Eastern, Korea Southern, Korean Southwest, Mississippi Valley, Northern Illinois, Palmetto, South Coast, Southern New England, Western Carolina, Westminster, Wisconsin.
Presbyteries which have voted against the change: (43) Central Florida, Central Indiana, Chesepeake, Chicago Metro, Covenant, Eastern Canada, Eastern Carolina, Eastern Pennsylvania, Evangel, Georgia Foothills, Gulf Coast, Gulfstream, Heartland, Houston Metro, Iowa, James River, Metro Atlanta, Metropolitan New York, Missouri, Nashville, New York State, North Florida, North Texas, Northern California, Northern New England, Ohio, Ohio Valley, Pacific, Pacific Northwest, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Metro West, Pittsburgh, Providence, Rocky Mountain, Siouxlands, South Florida, South Texas, Southeast Alabama, Southwest, Suncoast Florida, Tennessee Valley, Warrior, Western Canada.
Potomoc Presbytery has postponed action on the proposal indefinitely, reasoning that “the current voting process makes meaningless Presbytery’s vote at this time, as the matter has already been effectively decided by the vote of other Presbyteries.”
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