
In The World


Of Interest Around The Web

Church Leaders: Preparing the Church for Trying Times

How elders, deacons, and congregation can – and should – prepare for hard times.

AIDS in Africa: What Does the Christian Faith Require?

“If the church of Jesus Christ rises up to the challenge of HIV/AIDS, it will be the greatest apologetic the world has ever seen.”

A Higher Purpose for Higher Education

Sending believers into the world means preparing gifted people to be redemptive force in their respective fields.

Reaching Out, or Selling Out?

The debate over church marketing illustrates the tension between confronting the culture and accommodating it.

A Cup of Water Will Be Rewarded

Wellspring, a ministry of the Western North Carolina Presbytery, hopes to drill water wells in every North Korean province.

The Ethics of Enhancement

How far should we go to make ourselves better?

Richard Dawkins: The Atheist Evangelist

Richard Dawkins and the New Atheists present a major challenge to the Church. But the Church has been given an opportunity to retool, regroup, and reclaim the truth of the gospel, speaking it into the void.

Urban Paradox

Reconnecting church and city: What part can churches play in New Urbanism and the revitalization of urban spaces?

The Chief End of Animals Part 2

The uniqueness of man is not primarily to distinguish him from the animals; rather, it is to call him to a special role as caretaker

The Chief End of Animals, Part 1

Redemptive history is one grand story of God’s grace and judgment. In the overarching story, what role do animals play?

Of Interest Around The Web

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