
In The World


Of Interest Around The Web

A Legacy of Faith

Making Christ Known 
to Our Kids

Saving people for eternity is not our responsibility, but sharing the Gospel, living the Gospel, being shaped by the Gospel, being transformed heart and soul by the Gospel — this is our responsibility. Our privilege. Our legacy.

Time to Speak Up for Free Speech

There’s nothing in the Constitution ensuring a right not to be offended. We are blessed and sometimes burdened by freedom of speech, but there’s no such thing as freedom from speech.

International Students Train in U.S. for Ministry in Home Countries

In the absence of strong, well-taught leaders, young Nepalese Christians are sometimes led astray by false teachers. This leadership vacuum gave Joshua a heart for training more leaders for ministry in Nepal.

How Will You Honor the Fallen?

Reviving Memorial Day

So, how is your Memorial Day shaping up? Heading to the pool or the beach? Having friends over for a barbecue? Or maybe catching that sale at the car dealership?

Finding God’s Fingerprints

Seeing the Miraculous

Our challenge as people of faith is not just to believe in miracles, but to look for them and to point them out to the miraculous world around us.

Lessons from Iowa Classroom Bear Fruit in the Vatican

“Human Rights: A Christian Primer” has become a standard on the subject. Since its publication, Johnson has engaged many religious leaders and diplomats on religious freedom and human rights.

Restoring Homes and Spirits

Flood Relief Team Ministers to Grieving Family

The Grace team saw that LeBlanc needed more than help with home repairs. He needed space to talk about what he had experienced.

Character: The Surest Pledge of Wise Policy

While government is not our final destination, it is a God-given responsibility. Today, our country needs wisdom, which means it needs moral leaders, which means God’s people must enter the fray.

A Family Tradition

At Turner's Dairy, Stewardship and Excellence Go Hand in Hand

The success of Turner’s Dairy hinges on its excellent service, humble leadership, and faithful stewardship. The company remains faithful to the biblical principles that guided Charles Turner when he started the business during the Depression

WCF Now Available to Arab World

“With the political upheaval that is dominating many countries in the Middle East, the church in the Arabic-speaking world is in a more critical need than ever before for a solid understanding of its faith and practice built upon the Scriptures.”

Of Interest Around The Web

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