
In The Church


Of Interest Around The Web

Somali Refugee Becomes Missionary in Residence

Osman Jama now serves at North Cincinnati Community Church

Jama ministers through Global Service Network and partners with MNA’s Refugee and Immigrant Ministry as a church mobilizer.

Building an Effective Men’s Ministry

It’s about creating a process, not planning an event.
men's ministry

“The goal should be Word-based, relationship-driven, mission-focused, reproductive discipleship.”

Our Spiritual Social Dilemma

Spiritual social dilemma

Shining light into a dark place.

Frank Barker: 1932-2021

Few Men Were More Influential in the PCA

From the earliest days of the Presbyterian Church in America in the 1970s, few men were more influential than Frank Morehead Barker Jr.

Recommending Overtures 23 and 37


Whatever our views on Overtures 23 and 37, whatever our disagreements, it’s important to maintain high standards of interaction.

Against Overtures 23 and 37


The overtures reflect a mistaken conception of our polity.

Documents Manager Keeps PCA Publications In Order


Anyone who has ever reached for a PCA publication has Priscilla Lowrey to thank.

Resources and Relationships for Worship Leaders

Worship Leaders

The gathering is aimed at worship leaders and directors in the PCA, but we hope that pastors, liturgists, and anyone who needs some encouragement will join us.

Ten Steps to the Mission Field


Greater glory to the Lord demands greater allegiance from his people. Crossing substantial barriers with the gospel is costly, risky, and requires careful coordination.

One Pastor’s Pandemic Story


Through the pandemic we’ve rediscovered that we’re embodied creatures and that our physical connection is important — and a blessing.

Of Interest Around The Web

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