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Of Interest Around The Web

Overture 23 Calls for Withdrawal From NAE

Central Carolina Presbytery calls for the PCA to sever its ties with the NAE. It charges that the NAE “has frequently intermeddled in civil affairs” contrary to chapter 31 of the Westminster Confession of Faith, and cites numerous other Christian bodies that are not members.

Overture 17 Would Allow Video Testimony

The PCA Book of Church Order (BCO) was written in the 1970s and drew heavily from the work of earlier versions. Over time, procedures were developed to anticipate new circumstances. One such situation occurs when a witness in a church judicial procedure needs to be examined, but lives at a distance from the examining session…

Overture 3 Calls for Prudence in Planning GA Worship

The overture has been referred to the Administrative Committee.

Nine Presbyteries Request Study Committee on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault

The overtures, though similar, differ slightly in their details.

Overtures 15 and 18 Seek to Modify Overture Referral

When a presbytery sends an overture to the General Assembly (GA), the stated clerk is responsible for referring that overture to the appropriate committee for its consideration. Any overture relating to a particular permanent committee or agency, or to an ad-interim committee, is to be referred to that committee which then recommends how the GA…

Overture 12 Would Restrict GA Floor Nominations

Under the current rule, an officer can be nominated on the floor of the GA and elected to serve on a permanent committee even if he did not seek or receive nomination from his own presbytery.

Overtures Seek to Clarify Filing Method And Timeliness of Complaints And Appeals

The overture from Platte Valley Presbytery seeks to clarify how appeals and complaints must be filed to the higher court and when the “countdown” for filing begins.

Overture 5 Proposes Change in Procedures for Dissolving Pastoral Relationships

Central Indiana Presbytery proposes allowing a session to present a request for the dissolution of an assistant pastor’s call directly to the presbytery.

Overture 2 Seeks to Sever Ties with Covenant Seminary

While expressing appreciation for other faithful independent seminaries, he said the seminary highly values its unique official connection with the denomination.

Overture 1 Looks to Increase Ruling Elder Participation at GA

The rationale for the overture cites what it calls a “severe crisis” in the ratio of REs to teaching elders (TEs) in GA attendance.

Of Interest Around The Web

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