


Of Interest Around The Web

Your Pastor Needs Pastor Friends


Before I became a pastor, I could not say I was estranged from a single soul. Almost 20 years in, the list is longer than I would have ever thought bearable. It includes some of my most intimate former friends and ministry partners: people whose names are etched on major milestones in my life, and…

Twelve Proposed BCO Changes Sent to Presbyteries

PCA 50th anniversary

The PCA Constitution consists of the Westminster Standards, which set forth the denomination’s theology, and the Book of Church Order (BCO), which concerns the details of its polity. Though a procedure to amend the Standards exists, the PCA has never approved any changes to them. By contrast, the BCO has been amended frequently. The year,…

Rejecting the Ways of the Sluggard

Let us work when it’s time to work, rest when it’s time to rest, and make the most of every opportunity.

Let us work when it’s time to work, rest when it’s time to rest, and make the most of every opportunity. In June 2022, the national unemployment rate was just 3.6%. But that figure, encouraging as it sounds, doesn’t tell the whole employment story. Nor does it mean the effects of the “Great Resignation” have…

Giving Rural Ministry a Closer Look

Project for Rural Ministry Equips Churches for Their Specific Contexts

Before moving to Grove City, Pennsylvania, in 2016, Seulgi Byun was a bona fide cosmopolitan. The cities he has called home include London, Boston, Tokyo, Seoul, Melbourne, and Singapore. Grove City, on the other hand, sits 50 miles from the closest city and has a population of roughly 7,800. As Byun, an associate professor of…

The Right Response to Tribalism


Tribalism turns a tribe into a center of worship.

When Work Is the Way We Love God, Creation, and Neighbor

Our Interview With Tom Lutz, CoAuthor of “Equipping Christians for Kingdom Purpose in Their Work”

The goal of the book is to see a critical mass of Christians who are influencing church culture from within while impacting their workplaces and communities through the vocation, gifts, and talents God has given them.

Actions of the General Assembly for Wednesday, June 22

General Assembly

A summary of the Assembly actions of Wednesday, June 22.

Eleven Final Overtures Submitted to 49th GA


A summary of the final overtures headed to the 49th General Assembly.

Toward a Truer, Purer Union in the PCA

The AIC Report on Human Sexuality has paved the way for those on the “left” and “right” of our denomination to pursue unity and peace.

Resist the urge to negatively label or caricature those in the PCA who see and minister differently than you do.

A Killing Contagion on Campus

School Shootings Illustrate the Depth and Complexity of our Brokenness

The problem is not that there is an endless supply of deeply disturbed young men who are willing to contemplate horrific acts. It’s that young men no longer need to be deeply disturbed to contemplate horrific acts.

Of Interest Around The Web

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