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Of Interest Around The Web

Toxic Masculinity

Masculinity That is Divorced From 
Responsibility is Toxic

An overbroad cultural definition of toxicity may be an initial concern, but the reality is more likely the opposite: The world’s definition is far too narrow.

Connecting a Congregation with God’s Word

Local Church Discovers the Power of Reading the Scriptures Together

Champagne’s Sunday sermons are inspired by the previous week’s readings, which has helped keep congregants engaged and enthusiastic about the commitment to God’s Word.

Planting Gospel Churches in Small Towns

Rural Communities Today Aren't Much Like Mayberry
healthy church

Church planting in small towns is a long-term process. “These are not areas for someone with a short-term view of growth,” Jeremy Coyer advises. 

GA Moderator Announces Members of Ad Interim Committee on Sexuality

The committee contains four teaching elders and three ruling elders and has the authority to appoints it own advisory members.

Remembering Our Chinese Brothers and Sisters

Practical Ways to Care for Persecuted Chinese Churches

We have much to learn from their faith in the unseen. In their trials, our Chinese brothers and sisters are showing us what is most important to them.

Clever Math

Sin, Grace, and Artificial Intelligence

For every example of AI technology being abused, there are examples of people harnessing this powerful technology to pursue justice, mercy, and human flourishing.

Friendship in the Valley of the Shadow of Death

As Andrew’s disease appeared and progressed, Ed helped guide Andrew and his wife, Amy, through the wilderness of terminal illness.

The Rabbit Room: Creativity and Community With a Sense of Place

“To be around people also struggling was encouraging, but it wasn’t just that we all know what we’re going through – they reminded me that it was worth it.”

Christmas is the Myth That’s No Myth

Jesus Invaded Our World in Real Time

“Now the story of Christ is simply a true myth: a myth working on us the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference that it really happened.” – C.S. Lewis

Waiting for the Lord

A Message of Hope, the Promise of Peace

The message of Christmas is that God entered into our humanness. In some mysterious, miraculous way, the Creator became one of the created — one of us.

Of Interest Around The Web

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