
Essentials of the Faith


Of Interest Around The Web

Grace Unlimited

Our Conversation With Bryan Chapell

“Our disciplines do not make us acceptable to God because they are never long enough, deep enough, or frequent enough. ‘Enough’ isn’t a measure that works for an infinitely holy God.”

Infallible and Inerrant

Good Reasons to Trust the Bible

The foundation for trust in the Bible is its inspiration. A number of men over several centuries penned the words of Scripture, but the enduring constant is that God inspired every word.

Heirs of the Covenant

Covenant is a promise that stretches from Genesis to Revelation: “I will be your God, you will be my people, I will live among you.”

A Picture of Saving Faith

Intellectual, Relational, and Trusting

Faith looks like knowing Christ, loving Christ, and trusting Christ in a way that is both active and growing.


A Synonym for Christian Living

We may be weak disciples or new disciples or struggling disciples, but we are all disciples.

Free Will and God’s Sovereignty

We believe in freed will — that we have been freed to serve Christ and act as God’s children.

Do Unto Others — Everyone, Everywhere

Unselfish Lives Have Eternal Consequences
byFaith Golden Rule

Jesus commands us to look beyond our own needs to actively serve people the way we’d like to be served — to love our neighbors as ourselves.

How Freedom from Sin Frees Us to Serve

Many believers revel in their Christian liberty, while others shy away, worried that liberty too easily turns to license.

Freed from the Fear of Death

We Once Cowered, Now We Taunt

The icy cold hands of death reach out to all humanity, and humanity is enslaved to it. But the enslavement is not to death itself, but to the fear.

The Blessing of Covenant Baptism

When children are born, they enter a dangerous world. Therefore, as we give our children in baptism, we are receiving a powerful gift of hope that God will be our child’s God.

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