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Of Interest Around The Web

Nigeria: The Deadliest Place to Be a Christian

In 2012, the country with the highest number of Christians who lst their lives because of their faith was Nigeria, where almost 70 percent of Christians killed globally were murdered. International Christian Concern reports that the nation is on the brink of a religious war.

Boy Scouts proposal displeases religious leaders on both sides

Both conservative and liberal religious leaders are expressing displeasure with the Boy Scouts’ proposal to accept gay members but reject gay leaders.

The Devil They Know

Regime Change and Christian Persecution

Many more Christians have died for the faith during our lifetimes than died for the faith between the first Easter and the AD 313 Edict of Milan, which ended Roman persecution of Christians. A very sad example of this pattern took place this past week in Egypt.

Presbyterian breakaway group kicked out of hotel for opposing ‘gay marriage’

A small breakaway orthodox Presbyterian group has been banned from using a meeting room at a hotel in Aberdeen over their opposition to same-sex “marriage” and homosexual activity. The hotel said they banned the group after they received complaints from clients and members of the public that their views on marriage were “offensive”.

Justin Welby installed as 105th Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Welby, the 57-year old former oil executive who quit the world of high finance in 1992 to become a priest, was enthroned Thursday (March 21) as the 105th archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual leader of the world’s 77 million Anglicans.

High Court to Hear Same-Sex Marriage Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court is about to hear oral arguments in a pair of potentially groundbreaking same-sex marriage cases. While the Supreme Court has an opportunity in these cases to rule on core constitutional questions, that doesn’t mean it necessarily will.

Evangelical Leaders Back Universal Background Checks

Two of the nation’s leading evangelicals are throwing their weight behind President Barack Obama’s push for universal background checks for all gun buyers, a measure that faces stiff opposition in both the House and Senate.

“Fair-minded” Choice

President Obama’s new point person for faith-based outreach receives praise from the right and the left

Melissa Rogers, the director of Wake Forest University’s Center for Religion and Public Affairs and a senior fellow with The Brookings Institution, has been named by the White House to lead President Barack Obama’s Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. She does not have a reputation of overt bias toward one political party.

Seeking a Solution

Faith leaders meet with President Obama to add their voice on how to fix the broken immigration system

Fourteen faith leaders stressed the importance of continuing family reunification policies as part of immigration reform in a meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House. Obama met for more than an hour with the leaders.

College Shuts Down Dorm Room Bible Study

Officials at a Florida college ordered a group of students to shut down a Bible study they were holding in the privacy of a dorm room – because it violated the rules.

Of Interest Around The Web

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