Devotion for July 5
By McKay Caston
Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living (Luke 15:13).
In John Calvin’s “Institutes”, he writes, “We can never really seek God in earnest until we despair of ourselves.” A hard reality, but it rings true for me.

This certainly rang true for the younger, “prodigal” son in Luke 15. He only “came to his senses” and decided to go back home when his human resources ran out.
When he hit rock bottom.

Surprisingly, what he encountered upon his return was not judgment and wrath, but mercy and love. When we hit rock bottom, religion frowns, but the gospel smiles.

Not because of the pain, but because it is from that low place of need we finally will cry out for mercy. And find it.

So, will I come to my senses today, or will I get religious, trying to be strong and get better? Will I believe the gospel, that on the cross Jesus took my place at rock bottom so that I could experience rescue? Will I despair of myself so that I can experience the hope of the gospel?

What about you?
Maybe we need to remember that rock bottom can be an unexpected place of grace.

Father, give me grace to come to my senses today and return home to the God who welcomes me with open arms, not as a servant but as a son.
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