Devotion for July 29, 2024
By Bryan Chapell

Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure. (1 John 3:2-3)

A sign recently appeared along the path where I jogged. It announced that a piece of land was going to be subdivided into eighteen new home sites. The proposal for the rough plot of ground seemed preposterous, and everyone who saw the sign concluded the building plan was crazy.

We weren’t looking at the scene with the eyes of the architect. What made the land valuable to him was not its current condition, but what could be done with it. He understood the ditches could be filled, the hills leveled, and the bare ground freshly planted. 

In a similar way, God is never limited by our current condition. The Master Architect has a beautiful plan for what he wants to do in us and through us so we shall ultimately be as he designs. 

As a consequence, God does not value us on the basis of our past or our present, but on the basis of what we shall be by the work of his loving hand. So, remember, your value is not fixed by what is or what has been, but by what will be by the grace of God.


Lord, thank you for encouraging me with the plan of the Master Architect. You see my value based on what you will do not what I have done. May that hope motivate me to let the past go and live for your tomorrow.

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