For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome (1 John 5:3).
If grace doesn’t erase God’s commands, how does it affect the way we teach them? Can we teach his commands without becoming legalistic?
The answer is a resounding, “Yes!” But only when we understand the purpose of God’s commands for our life. If we think they are given so that we might earn or retain his love, that can’t work, because our best works are like polluted garments to him (Is. 64:6). Manufacturing divine affection will always be beyond our abilities!
God has given us his law so that we will experience, not earn, the good he intends for our lives. When we teach that God’s law is an expression of his gracious care for those that he redeemed through the sacrifice of his Son alone, then we will teach the law to bless not to burden.
The commandments of God demonstrate his love for us, not how we extract love from him. Teaching the standards God outlines for us to experience the best this life can offer is not the teaching of legalism but of love.
When we teach the grace that gave the law, and the grace that secures our hearts despite our transgressions of it, then destructive legalism gives way to compulsive love.
Heavenly Father, I know that your commands are given for my good and are an expression of your grace. Help me today to show my love for you by obeying your Word, repenting of my sin, and growing in your grace.