
Arts & Culture


Of Interest Around The Web

Scholarship and Skill in Living

One on One With Karl Johnson of Chesterton House

Following academic pursuits should draw us deeper into life in Christ, and life in Christ should draw us deeper into our studies.

Toxic Masculinity

Masculinity That is Divorced From 
Responsibility is Toxic

An overbroad cultural definition of toxicity may be an initial concern, but the reality is more likely the opposite: The world’s definition is far too narrow.

Clever Math

Sin, Grace, and Artificial Intelligence

For every example of AI technology being abused, there are examples of people harnessing this powerful technology to pursue justice, mercy, and human flourishing.

Capturing the Faithful Spy

John Hendrix Brings the Story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer to the Graphic Novel

Released in 2018, “The Faithful Spy: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Plot to Kill Hitler” dramatizes the short life of Bonhoeffer alongside the rise and fall of Hitler’s Germany.

The Film Life

Young Storyteller Wraps Craft Around Community

“A lot of Christianese talk is ‘we’re doing life together,’ but on the Camino it actually happens.”

The Rabbit Room: Creativity and Community With a Sense of Place

“To be around people also struggling was encouraging, but it wasn’t just that we all know what we’re going through – they reminded me that it was worth it.”

The Thrill of Victory, and of Relishing the Good Gifts God Gives

From the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to our minds, talents, and abilities; to our friends, neighbors, and pets; to grace, mercy, and forgiveness —we are all constantly receiving priceless gifts from the hand of God.

Created & Creating

William Edgar 
Explores a Biblical Theology of Culture

After a half-century’s search, Edgar is certain: “The Bible teaches that cultural engagement before the living God is, along with worship, the fundamental calling for the human race.” 

Kara Tippetts Documentary Released on Fourth Anniversary of Her Death

“I think her legacy will be pointing others to Jesus while she was suffering, and opening the dialogue about suffering in the Christian community.”

Restoring a Sense of Place

Taylor is an architectural conservator, and his job is to help communities preserve their sense of place.

Of Interest Around The Web

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