The 50th General Assembly opened with worship. Rev. Randy Thompson preached.
Fred Greco, pastor of Christ Church in Katy, Texas, was elected moderator of the 50th General Assembly. Read more about Greco here.
The General Assembly voted to ratify BCO amendments approved by the presbyteries. Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 were approved in omnibus.
ITEM 2: Amend BCO 8 by the addition of a new paragraph, 8-8, adding chaplain endorsement requirements and recommendations; and renumber the following paragraphs accordingly.
ITEM 3: Amend BCO 15-1 and 15-3 to clarify the role of a Presbytery commission.
ITEM 4: Amend BCO 16 by adding 16-4 regarding qualifications for church office.
ITEM 5: Amend BCO 21-4 and 24-1 by adding the following paragraphs regarding requirements for ordination
ITEM 6: Amend BCO 31-10 and 33-4 on pre-trial non-disciplinary suspensions.
ITEM 8: Amend BCO 35, paragraphs 1-5 to allow victim protection provisions, and renumber paragraphs 6-14 accordingly.
ITEM 9: Amend BCO 38-1, regarding counsel for a case without process, by the addition of a final sentence.
ITEM 12: Amend BCO 43-2 and 43-3 regarding timing for considering a complaint.
Item 11, Amend BCO 42-6 regarding vote required for maintaining censure during an appeal, was also approved.
Item 10, Amend BCO 38-1 and 42-2 to allow appealing a censure in a Case Without Process, was also approved.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 7, Amend RAO 4-21.d for Committees of Commissioners to Review Committee and Board Compliance and Policies, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 1271-88.
The Assembly has recessed until tomorrow. The Assembly-wide seminar, “Memories and Aspirations of our Founding Fathers and Sons,” begins at 8 am and will be livestreamed. Business resumes at 9:30.