
What Grieving People Wish You Knew

A Conversation With Nancy Guthrie

Drawing on her own experience of the loss of two children as well as responses from people who participated in her survey about grief, Guthrie pulls back the curtain and helps readers think about how they can show love and support to someone who is mourning.

Nashville shooting

Weeping in Nashville

Where is God when unspeakable acts beget unspeakable sorrow?

long haul

Embracing the Long Haul

In God’s economy, weakness is greater than strength

What if we were to embrace the gifts of the long haul rather than racing for the exits?

This Too Shall Last

“We who are weak remind the entire church that salvation comes only through God and not through our self-sufficient striving.”

Suffering and the Heart of God

Our Conversation with Diane Langberg, Ph.D.

Trauma is extraordinary, she says, “not because it rarely happens, but because it swallows up and destroys normal human ways of living.” We have a choice. “We can flit from one cause to another or, like Jesus, we can leave our place of comfort and enter into the suffering.”

Embodied Hope

Our Conversation With Covenant College Professor Kelly M. Kapic

We must deal with pain and suffering truthfully — as Scripture does — and following the example of Christ.

Grasping the Reality of Embodiment

We’re forever praying about health. We intercede for our suffering friends, asking God to heal them and alleviate their pain. But in a world where we’re all moving toward decay and physical difficulty, should that be our main concern?

Showing Up for the Suffering

A Conversation with Author Jill Buteyn

“I would watch people show up for Kara and do these amazing things, and I would think, I never would have thought of that, but look at how that person knew that that was something only they could do.”

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