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Of Interest Around The Web

The Quiet 15 Percent

TE Bill Sim on Korean Presbyteries

Since joining the denomination 10 years ago, Sim has been an outspoken leader among the Korean language presbyteries (KLPs). Although this group often falls under the radar, Sim is excited to see increasing connections between the Korean language churches and their English-speaking counterparts.

A Small Presbytery with a Big Vision

Why Platte Valley Continues to Grow Despite Limited Resources

Platte Valley Presbytery, comprised of the state of Nebraska and Pottawattamie County, Iowa, is one of the smallest in the PCA. But since its founding in 2007 with seven congregations, it has planted three churches and has another on the way. What are some of the dynamics that have given this small presbytery mission-effectiveness beyond their means?

National Church or Kingdom Church: The Challenges of the New America

There must be a new church for new America – really the “old church”, that of the early New Testament fellowship where there was “neither Gentile nor Jew, slave nor free, male nor female,” but a common community retaining some cultural and social distinctives, yet transcending them in their unified love for and commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. (Galatians 3:28)

Of Interest Around The Web

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