PCA News


Of Interest Around The Web

New Indelible Grace Album Celebrates 50 Years of RUF

It’s been 24 years since Indelible Grace released its first album. Its 10th album — recorded live at the 50th #PCAGA — drops on August 23.

RUF Announces Resignation of Will Huss

At the most recent meeting of the Permanent Committee for Reformed University Fellowship on August 19, 2024, Mr. Will Huss announced his intention to step down from his position as National Coordinator in the upcoming year.

Tenth Presbyterian Responds to Parking Protests

The elders of Tenth Presbyterian have decided to seek a new parking permit with the city after weeks of protests by cyclists.

Ministry Transitions

Read the latest updates reported to the Stated Clerk on pastors who have been ordained or transitioned to a new call.

Butler-Area PCA Pastors Respond to Shooting

Two Butler-area PCA churches are grappling with their hometown being the scene of a historic event, what they can learn, and how they can help.

Author of “Jesus Calling” Overture Leaves PCA

After sending an overture that prevailed at the 51st General Assembly concerning “Jesus Calling,” TE Ben Inman is transferring to another denomination.

CDM Hosts Online Children’s Ministry Conference

CDM is hosting its virtual conference for children’s ministry leaders who want to be better equipped in their mission to disciple children.

One Church, One Mission

What does collaboration look like among the PCA’s agencies?
PCA Agency collaboration webinar

MNA has developed a vision for planting 1,000 PCA churches by 2033. Not only is it looking to grow the PCA in size, it’s looking to strengthen the health and vitality of PCA churches. To accomplish these broader goals, MNA leaders say the PCA will need greater cooperation among its agencies. On May 14 MNA’s…

SJC Announces Verdict in Metro New York Case

The SJC has published its decision and related opinions in a case referred to it by the 50th General Assembly.

The Standing Judicial Commission has published its decision along with concurring and dissenting opinions in a matter referred to it by the 50th General Assembly.

Bryan Chapell Nominated for Stated Clerk

Chapell has served as the senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois, since 2013, and has devoted his entire career to pastoring churches and training others to do the same.

Of Interest Around The Web

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