In response to an increasingly aggressive homosexual agenda, Westminster Presbytery has proposed an overture that reaffirms the PCA’s position on homosexuality. The overture also issues a call to church leaders to petition the government to place restrictions on those who advance the agenda.
A reaffirmation of the PCA’s position affirms that homosexuality is sin, requires churches to call a practicing homosexual person to repentance, and denies church office and membership to those who practice homosexuality.
The overture also charges church leaders to petition local government leaders to deny those who “practice, advocate, or condone” homosexuality the right to become schoolteachers, and to petition local, state, and federal government leaders to “cease and desist” from any legislation that legalizes gay marriage.
“Because of the rise in seeking to advance the homosexual agenda, our chaplains are under renewed pressure to perform wedding services for same-sex couples, our military chapels are being desecrated with such services being performed, and businesses are being persecuted for not providing consumer services for such activities, etc. Therefore we feel we need as a denomination to reaffirm our position, and to add the emphasis of our opposition … to the concept of same-sex marriages, to give our chaplains and Christian business leaders added support to stand against this behavior for conscience’ sake,” explained Daniel Foreman, speaking on behalf of Westminster Presbytery.