

Of Interest Around The Web

Reclaiming the Great Commission?

Great Commission

MTW conference to recruit new missionaries, revive denomination’s passion for worldwide evangelism

Recent Ministry Transitions

Liam Goligher

Below is a list of pastoral and ministry transitions within the PCA.

Beyond the Business: Three Additional Benefits of the PCA’s General Assembly

General Assembly

The General Assembly provides benefits to the unity, purity, and mission of the PCA beyond the business it considers.

PCA General Assembly Will Feature Korean-Style Worship Service

Korean-style prayer

The planning committee hopes a bi-lingual service will invite people who have never experienced a Korean worship service to collectively participate in, learn from, and be encouraged by it. 

CDM Releases “Alongside Care” Handbook for Ministering to Women in Crisis

Alongside Care

The purpose of “Alongside Care” is to help women in ministry and church sessions develop a vision for what alongside care could look like in their context.

Update on Overtures to the 51st General Assembly

Overtures to 51st General Assembly

We’ve already reviewed the first eight overtures sent to the 51st General Assembly. Since that time, 11 more have been sent to the Assembly.

Tracy Lane-Hall Appointed MNA Strategic Operations Director

Tracy Lane-Hall

Tracy joins the Executive Leadership Team of MNA as strategic operations director, playing a pivotal role in executing the ministry’s internal and external strategic objectives.

Covenant College Inaugurates Brad Voyles

Brad Voyles Inauguration Covenant College

On March 15, Brad Voyles was officially inaugurated as the seventh president of Covenant College.

Haiti: Updates from a Country in Turmoil


“We want you to be sensitive to the urgent need to preach the Gospel of Jesus which is the only remedy for the twisted hearts and minds of man everywhere of which Haiti is not an exception.” 

SJC Announces Verdict in Metro New York Case

The SJC has published its decision and related opinions in a case referred to it by the 50th General Assembly.

The Standing Judicial Commission has published its decision along with concurring and dissenting opinions in a matter referred to it by the 50th General Assembly.

Of Interest Around The Web

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