– On Wednesday afternoon the Overtures committee reconvened to discuss its recommendation on Overture 23. The Committee voted again to answer Overture 23 in the affirmative, but with new amended language to BCO Chapter 16. Read more here.
– The Ad Interim Committee on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault in the Church has given its report. It recommended that the committee be extended to the 49th General Assembly and set the budget at $25,000. Both recommendations passed.
– Bryan Chapell elected Stated Clerk of the PCA. Read more about Dr. Chapell here.
– The Assembly voted to answer Overture 14, “Revise MTW Manual” in the affirmative. The vote was 961-814.
– The Assembly voted to answer Overture 3, “Amend MTW Manual,” with reference to Overture 14. The vote was 1040-673.
– The Assembly also voted to answer Overture 41 to the 47th General Assembly, “Direct CMTW to Amend its Guidelines to implement CMTW’s ‘Statement on Valuing Women in MTW,’ so that only Ordained Elders Will Be Allowed to Serve in the Roles of Team Leader, Regional Director, and International Director within MTW,” with reference to Overture 14. The vote was 1061-583.
– The Assembly heard reports from Covenant Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, Reformed University Fellowship Ridge Haven Conference Center, PCA Retirement & Benefits, PCA Foundation, Covenant College, Committee on Discipleship Ministries, Mission to the World
– The AC Committee of Commissioners presented its report to the Assembly. The Assembly accepted all of its recommendations.
Overtures Committee
The Assembly has accepted the Overtures Committee’s recommendations on Overtures 5, 19-21, 26, 28, 29, 33-35, 40, 41, 43.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 1, “Amend BCO 8-7 Regarding Chaplains,” in the negative. The vote was 1285-415
The Assembly voted to answer Overtures 38, “Commend Human Sexuality Report,” in the affirmative.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 23, “Amend BCO 16 by Adding a Clause Which Prohibits Ordination for Men Who Self-Identify as ‘Gay Christians,’ ‘Same-sex Attracted Christians,’ ‘Homosexual Christians,’ or Like Terms” in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 1438-417. Here is the amended language:
16-4 Officers in the Presbyterian Church in America must be above reproach in their walk and Christlike in their character. Those who profess an identity (such as, but not limited to, “gay Christian,” “same sex attracted Christian,” “homosexual Christian,” or like terms) that undermines or contradicts their identity as new creations in Christ, either by denying the sinfulness of fallen desires (such as, but not limited to, same sex attraction), or by denying the reality and hope of progressive sanctification, or by failing to pursue Spirit-empowered victory over their sinful temptations, inclinations, and actions are not qualified for ordained office.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 37 “Amend BCO 21-4 and 24-1 Clarifying Moral Requirements for Church Office,” in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 1130-692.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 32, “Form Study Committee for Biblical Ethics in Digital Media,” in the negative. The vote was 1340-227.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 36, “Appoint Study Committee re White Supremacy,” in the negative (voted by raised hands).
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 47, “Form Study Committee on Critical Race Theory,” in the negative (by show of hands).
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 31, “Amend BCO 22 Process for Assistant to Associate Pastor,” in the affirmative as amended (by show of hands).
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 18, “Amend BCO 24-1 to Clarify that a Session Has Discretion on the Timing of Some Parts of the Exam of Officer Nominees,” in the affirmative as amended (by show of hands).
The Assembly voted (1374-107) to answer Overture 48, “Repudiate Anti-Asian Racism,” with the following statement:
“The Report of the Ad Interim Committee on Racial and Ethnic Reconciliation to the 46th General Assembly speaks clearly both to the reality of the Imago Dei in all people and to the sin of racism, particularly when it affirms: a) the vision of the redeemed in Revelation 7:9-11, where all nations and ethnicities are fulfilled in Christ; b) the image of God reflected in all people; and c) the image of Christ reflected in His body. (M46GA, Appendix V, but especially p. 599.) At the same time, we recognize the pain, and, at times, violence, that the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community has experienced, particularly due to events of the past year. We express our grief together with our AAPI brothers and sisters over the pain and suffering that has occurred, whether this has happened due to unbiblical religious claims, racist pride, or any other cause. We, finally, assure our AAPI brothers and sisters of our love and support, and of our desire to walk together in ways that reflect the commitments of the Racial Reconciliation Report.”
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 15 in the negative (by show of hands) and to refer Overture 12 back to the presbytery.
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 22, “Amend BCO 32-20 Regarding Time Considerations for Offenses,” in the affirmative as amended (by show of hands).
The Assembly voted to answer Overture 27, “Amend BCO 36 to Require Public Excommunication,” be answered in the negative (by show of hands).
The Assembly accepted the committee recommendations on Overtures 6, 16, 30, 40, 45, and 46.