Below is a summary of some of the decisions made by the 46th General Assembly on Thursday, June 14.
The General Assembly voted to answer Overture 24, Grant BCO-59 Solemnization of Marriage (As Amended) Full Constitutional Status, in the affirmative as amended and answer Overtures 1, 2, and 5 in reference to 24. The vote was 764-12-7. The amended overture will only constitutionalize BCO 59-3 as amended. The rest of BCO 59 will remain, but will not have constitutional authority.
Answer Overture 39, Urge Presbyteries to Fund a Bible Translation, in the negative. The vote was 993-173-36.
Answer Overture 29, Form Study Committee to Study RPCNA Report on Sexual Orientation, in the negative. The vote was 957-193-20.
Answer Overture 27, Amend BCO 8-1; 8-3 regarding Qualifications of Elders, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 716-416-34. Overtures 11 and 15 are answered in reference to Overture 27.
Answer Overture 26, Amend BCO 14-1.1 and the Corporate Bylaws of the PCA VI.2 so that a Minority of Seats on the Board of Trustees of Covenant College May Be Open to Non-ordained Members, in the negative. The vote was 727-449-18.
Answer Overture 25, Address the Unordained Diaconate, in the negative.
Answer Overture 23, Amend BCO 35-11 Not to Disqualify Automatically a Member of a Court Who Was Called as a Witness, in the affirmative as amended.
Answer Overture 21, Amend BCO 36-5 to Add a Paragraph of Introduction Before Imposition of Censure, in the negative.
The questions in Overture 20, Amend BCO 30-3 and 37-1 Regarding Definite Suspension, were divided. The first question regarding BCO 30-1 was answered in the affirmative. The second question regarding BCO 30-3 with no change to 37-1 was answered in the affirmative as amended.
Voted to answer Overture 16, Amend BCO 46-8 Regarding a Deposed Minister, in the negative.
The questions were divided in Overture 13, Revise BCO 14-1.11 and the Corporate Bylaws of the PCA Article VI.1, 4; VI.2, 1; VI.3, 1, 2; VI-4, 1, 2; and VI-5, 3 to Allow Women to Serve on Boards of Agencies. The corporate bylaw change was ruled out of order, and the General Assembly voted to answer the BCO changes in the negative.
Answer Overture 10, Amend BCO 25-11 to Require Thirty-Days’ Notice to Withdraw from PCA, in the affirmative and answer Overtures 12 and 17 with reference to Overture 10.
Answer Overture 9, Amend BCO 9-7 Regarding Assistants to Deacons or Deaconesses and Amend BCO 24-11 by Adding New 24-11 regarding Women Officers, in the negative.
The General Assembly voted to refer Overture 8, Revise BCO 34-8 and 37-8 regarding Restoration of a Deposed Minister, back to the presbytery of origin without prejudice.
Answer Overture 6, Revise RAO 9 to Require that Recommendations from Ad Interim Committees Be Referred to OC, in the negative.
The General Assembly voted that Overture 3, Amend BCO 32-19 to Allow Counsel by Any Communing Member in All Levels of Courts, be answered in the affirmative as amended. The amended language is available here:
Recommendations from Ad Interim Committee on Racial Reconciliation were accepted in omnibus.
All recommendations from the Review of Presbytery Records committee were approved. Two RPR recommendations – regarding minutes from Calvary Presbytery and Georgia Foothills Presbytery – were debated on the floor but were ultimately accepted.