I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:12-13)
There is an old story about a son who was tasked with removing some stones from his father’s garden. Try as he might, the boy couldn’t remove the boulders. He returned to his father, saying, “I can’t do it.”
The father told him to give it another try. Then, after a few more unsuccessful attempts, the boy said, “Father, I’ve tried with all I have, and I still don’t have the strength to do what you require.” At this, the boy’s father replied, “You haven’t tried with all your resources, because you haven’t asked me to help.”
That’s a good reminder for us all: We can do all that God requires of us through his strength! Apart from him we can do nothing (Jn. 15:5), but through him who strengthens us, we can do all things.
When the task seems impossible – when your strength is clearly inadequate for accomplishing God’s will, do not forget to ask his help. We have not done all that we can for God until we have sought to be strong in the power of his might. (Eph. 6:10)
Father, when I feel weak or inadequate, please remind me that “I can do all things through him who
strengthens me.” Do not let me neglect to ask your help.