Devotion for March 15
By Bryan Chapell

One will scarcely die for a righteous person — though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die — but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:7-8).

Are you okay with God? Do you know God loves you? When we ask people if they are secure in God’s love, we typically start an internal dialogue in their minds: “Am I okay with God? Well, how am I doing?” “Am I better than so and so?” “Was I good enough today?” and “What about yesterday?”

But none of these questions can get to the heart of the matter. They simply reveal someone’s imperfect evaluation of his or her own imperfect performance or competence.

While everyone should be concerned about whether our behaviors and thoughts please God, the Bible makes it clear that our qualifications don’t determine His acceptance — His mercy does.

The question of whether I am okay with God cannot be answered by as assessment of anything about us, but only by acknowledgement of the sufficiency of Christ’s provision. His work alone can make us right with God. And when we believe His work applies to us, that’s the good news of God’s unlimited grace!

Lord, thank you for accepting me — not because of what I have done or what I know, but because of the mercy that Jesus made available on the cross. Help me to trust that His grace rather than my qualifications, makes me okay with you – especially on the days that I know I do not qualify.

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