Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God (Heb. 13:15-16).
Because our holy God knows our thoughts and motives, as well as our actions, doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is still wrong.
An example of this is found in the Old Testament, when God declared that sacrifices offered by his people were a stench in his nostrils. That seems wrong. God ordered the sacrifices, and the people offered them. So, why did he take offense?
God’s people were offering the sacrifices as a way of placating the Almighty, while ignoring his commands. The people were trying to bribe God to approve or, at least, ignore their sin. Sacrifices that mark true devotion please God. Sacrifices that try to buy him off are sin.
We, too, should consider if our sacrifices are for praise or for personal gain. Do we read Scripture, give offerings, or even pray in order to bribe God to be nice to us, or in order to honor his grace toward us? Sacrifices of praise please God. Sacrifices intended to manipulate him to please us, fool only us.
Serving the God we love by acts of devotion and service is a wonderful way of growing in grace; but, serving God to make him love us will stunt our growth and stink to God. Offer praise because you love him, not to make him love you – he will love the praise more and so will you.
Lord, thank you for offering the only sacrifice that makes me acceptable to you – Jesus. Help me offer my sacrifices of praise to honor his grace, not to cover my sin or serve my selfishness!