One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple (Psalm 27:4).
I’ll never forget my first “date” with my wife. I was on an outing with her family. As the new, single minister of their little country church, I had been invited to her family’s picnic, which was held in the restored Victorian village of Elsah, Illinois.
When the beautiful blonde with the lovely green eyes asked me if I wanted to “take a walk” with her, my immediate response was: “You bet!” Her beauty made me delight to walk with her – as I have now for more than four decades.
In a similar fashion, Jesus reveals the beauty of his love to us throughout Scripture, more and more demonstrating the wonder of his grace. So, when Jesus calls us to walk with him, our heart’s response to the beauty of the Savior is to do just that.
The Christian life is not dreaded drudgery. We delight to walk with Jesus, because we are drawn to the beauty of the One who’s grace has shown him to be altogether lovely.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the beauty and glory of the grace you have revealed throughout Scripture. Help me so to delight in your heart that my heart will desire to walk with you this day and all my days.