Devotion for July 15
By Bryan Chapell

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow (Eccl. 4:9-10).

There are no shortcuts to spiritual victory, but thankfully there is no mystery either. Seeking prayerful associations and accountability with others is one key. As we support one another in such healthy Christian relationships we grow in understanding others, ourselves, and our Savior. 

Ours is not a magic religion full of mysterious incantations, secret handshakes, and arcane codes. Instead, we gain strength and understanding from the encouragement, counsel, correction, and worship of fellow Christians. As we participate in loving practices and patterns with others, they help us and we help them to persevere and grow as God intends. 

No Christian flourishes as an island. So, come alongside someone today, because two are better than one …  For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. And do not worry, or object, that God has designed you to thrive spiritually when others come alongside you, too. 

Lord, just as you come alongside of me to comfort and strengthen by the help of the Holy Spirit, help me to support another today – and not object to the help I, too, have been designed to receive. 

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