Devotion for February 3, 2025
By Bryan Chapell

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. (John 13:14-15)

Many years ago, my wife, Kathy, and I were given a small wooden plaque that has become one of our most treasured possessions. Not because it’s made of anything fancy but because of the message it bears: “Home is where each lives for the other and all live for God.”

The plaque has survived multiple moves, an occasional bump, and even a few repairs, but remains on daily display. You see, after all these years, Kathy and I have discovered that our happiness has never been found in using one another. It’s found in using the resources and privileges God has given us to serve one another as Jesus served his disciples – and us! 

When we exercise the sacrificial love of Christ, we deepen our understanding of God’s care for us. And, as we discover and re-discover our own value to him, we are made more able and willing to share his love! True happiness comes from giving ourselves to each other, as Christ modeled his care.


Jesus, I’m amazed that you, the Lord of heaven, would stoop to wash earth from the feet of others. Help me today to find the joy of serving others with such care, and in doing so discover and re-discover the depth of your care for me. 

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