Devotion for December 7
By Bryan Chapell

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea (Psalm 46:1-2).

At a large conference, I struggled with how to worship when a young woman I have known all her life walked onstage to lead us in song. 

She was raised in a home with an unbelieving father, nurtured to faith in a church torn by controversy, and still she learned to love Jesus and achieved fame as a Christian musician. 

Then, she married a musician who, despite his claims of faith, betrayed her, making headlines of pubic shame and pain. As the betrayed wife now led us in worship, I could not help but notice her loss of weight, the sorrow lines around her eyes, and the ache beneath her praise. 

I wondered if it were fair to her or to us to have her lead us in God’s praise. Then by God’s grace, she addressed my wondering, in the first song she chose for us: 

Though Satan should buffet,
though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance take control:
That Christ has regarded by helpless estate,
And has shed his own blood for my soul.
It is well with my soul. 

This world’s trials had surely buffeted her life, but her God was still her refuge. She was as qualified as anyone could be to sing of the God who knew her helpless estate and still provided the assurance to sing, “It is well with my soul.” 

God had provided her strength for every trial. She was safe with him forever. So are you! 

Lord, you are my refuge and strength. Help me to weather life’s certain storms by more certain truth: “It is well with my soul.”

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