Devotion for December 6
By byFaith Staff

I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom (Dan. 7:13-14).

In the book of Daniel, the precision of the ancient prophet’s predictions about the temporary triumphs of evil across the world are astounding and, at times, hard. Daniel’s visions twist in wild gyrations, describing the realities of a broken world.

He predicts that, for centuries, the enemies of God have their day, the honor of God goes away, the people of God suffer, and all of it without apparent purpose. So how do we deal with such hard realities of our sinful world?

We respond in faith by recognizing that nothing surprises God. God saw it all coming, and he did not give up on our world or on us.

Evil may have its day, but God will have the final say. He knows the measure of evil, but he also knows its end. Christ will have “dominion and glory and a kingdom” over all. That is what he ultimately revealed to Daniel – and Daniel revealed to us.

God has the final authority, and there is none greater than he. Because of God’s powerful and resolute grace, restoration is possible, renewal is promised, and redemption is our certain future!

Lord, I am as troubled as Daniel that life in a broken world sometimes doesn’t make sense. Help me to trust that the troubles are temporary, and evil will not triumph. As you ruled the past, so also you determine the future that I may live in the present with confidence of your final grace.

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