Devotion for April 4
By byFaith Staff

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests,
but also to the interests of others (Phil. 2:3-4).

A selfie taken by a police officer with a Houston area teen went viral. The picture got such attention because it was such a contrast to recent events. 

A week earlier, in the same city torn by racial tensions, a policeman had been gunned down while pumping gas. So, when this teenager offered to stand behind a police officer in the rain, as she pumped gas — “to make sure you are safe” — that was a contrast and a picture the world was longing to see. 

The officer later said, “I’m the one with the gun on my hip, . . . but he for sure had my ‘6’ while my back was turned.”

The message of “I’ve got your back” is exactly what we should be saying and showing to each other in our churches and in our communities. Biblical faith is not selfish but considers the needs of others more significant than our own. 

Jesus exposed his back and body to cruelty to secure our eternity. The world should see in us this grace that Jesus selflessly provided to make his message plain – even viral! 

Lord, help me to consider the needs of others more significant than my own, praying for them and offering needed support to demonstrate the grace of my Savior.

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