Devotion for April 3
By Bryan Chapell

Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. (Rom. 5:1-2)

Somewhere in my attic I have a World War II era newspaper given to me by my mother. She saved the paper, when the war ended, because the headline declared in six-inch tall letters, “PEACE.” 

My mother reported that when the news of peace spread through her small Tennessee town, people poured out of their homes and businesses to dance in the street! When peace came after so much suffering and dying, spontaneous joy overflowed and could not be stopped!

The Apostle Paul writes from the context of another war, a spiritual war, which can only be won through the gracious provision of God’s Son. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice to save us from the consequences of our sins, we can now have peace with God. 

When you consider that the war with sin has been won for you by Jesus’ victorious resurrection and your peace with God is secure forever, then you will know why you should rejoice in hope of the glory of God. His glory is revealed in the eternal peace that Jesus won. So even if you don’t dance – REJOICE!

Father, as I focus today on the peace your grace has won through the sacrifice of Jesus and the victory of his resurrection, may I be filled with rejoicing! May the joy of the Lord be my strength.

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