Devotion for April 12
By Bryan Chapell

I entreat your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise. When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimonies; I hasten and do not delay to keep your commandments (Psalm 119:58-60).

People often divide grace and law into two opposing ideas, and then give little thought as to how both reveal God’s love. They’re not polar opposites! Grace demonstrates the goodness of God’s heart and the law shows the goodness of his path. Both reveal the beauty of God’s character.

God’s standards are never about what you have to do to make God love you. Rather God’s law reflects a heart so loving that he has designed a good and safe path for every journey of his loved ones.

His grace reveals the path and provides pardon when we waver from it. He does not tell us to walk on the path so that he will love us. He provides the path and the pardon because he loves us.

Grace is not contrary to the law of God, but the reason it exists. By grace we know how to live and that God forgives so that will walk on the path of his design and run back to him when we wander.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the law that provides a good and safe path for me to walk, and for grace that provides your mercy when I stumble. Help me to remember the path that guides me in your goodness, and the pardon that keeps wanting to walk with you.

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