Wednesday afternoon, the Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC) made its presentation to the 42nd General Assembly. Retiring General Assembly moderator Bruce Terrell informed theAssembly that the CMC, at its annual meeting in January, identified five key issues currently confronting the denomination. They are:
- The role of women in the PCA – particularly, giving women a greater voice and more visible
roles, while maintaining the denomination’s position on male ordained leadership in governing. Paul Kooistra, Stephen Estock, Rod Mays, Mike Ross, and Gary White serve on the subcommittee to make recommendations at the committee’s next stated meeting.
- Homosexuality and related issues – particularly, how the PCA may best minister in a fallen
world to homosexual persons, graciously sharing the Gospel and maintaining biblical standards of conduct and biblical marriage. Roy Taylor, Tom Cannon, Dan Carrell, David Clelland, and Bruce Terrell make up the subcommittee to make recommendations at the committee’s next stated meeting.
- The rising generation of leaders in the PCA – particularly, seeking to find new avenues of
including younger people in denominational leadership. Derek Halvorson, Gary Campbell, Philip Douglass, Cliff Eckles, Bill French, and Scott Magnuson serve on the subcommittee to make recommendations at the committee’s next stated meeting.
- Making the General Assembly more attractive to younger pastors and ruling elders. Brad Bradley, Marty Crawford, Martin Moore, Dan Nielsen, John Robertson, and Randy Stair make up the subcommittee to make recommendations at the committee’s next stated meeting.
- Practicing diversity well in the PCA – particularly, theological diversity within our confessional parameters, ethnic diversity, generational diversity, urban-suburban-small-town-rural diversity, worship style diversity, philosophy of ministry diversity, etc. Harry Reeder, Wallace Anderson, Jim Bland, Joseph Creech, and Mark Dalbey serve on the subcommittee to make recommendations at the committee’s next stated meeting.
Any matters that require General Assembly action will be referred to the appropriate Committee or Agency for its consideration and recommendation.